I am now an AWS Certified Developer

Developer-AssociateLately I have created several posts about different areas of what AWS offers. The reason behind these posts is that I was preparing myself for the exam ‘AWS Certified Developer-Associate’. Although I have been working with AWS for several years now I didn’t take the time to sit down and test my knowledge about it. The best way for me to learn something is to show others how it works, hence these AWS posts.
This morning I took the exam and passed it with a 78% score. So this one is in the pocket and I will start working on the next one on my list: ‘AWS Certified Solutions Architect‘. Now you know what posts you can expect the coming period 🙂

About Pascal Alma

Pascal is a senior IT consultant and has been working in IT since 1997. He is monitoring the latest development in new technologies (Mobile, Cloud, Big Data) closely and particularly interested in Java open source tool stacks, cloud related technologies like AWS and mobile development like building iOS apps with Swift. Specialties: Java/JEE/Spring Amazon AWS API/REST Big Data Continuous Delivery Swift/iOS
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